Brain computer interface


Usman Afzali

University of Canterbury


Karakia Whakatūwhera

Whakataka te hau ki te uru/ Whakataka te hau ki te tonga/ Kia mākinakina ki uta/ Kia mātaratara ki tai/ E hī ake ana te atakura/ He tio, he huka, he hau hū/ Tīhei mauri ora!

Cease the winds from the west/ Cease the winds from the south/ Let the breeze blow over the land/ Let the breeze blow over the ocean/ Let the red-tipped dawn come with a sharpened air./ A touch of frost, a promise of a glorious day.


  • Housekeeping
  • Kōrero


  • Welcome back
  • Presentations - in three weeks
  • Individual lab report in less than 6 weeks

Lab report


Karakia Whakatūwhera

Unuhia, unuhia/ Te pou, te pou/ Kia wātea, kia wātea/ Āe, kua wātea

Remove, uplift/ The posts/ In order to be free/ Yes, it has been cleared/