Basics of Quarto documentation

Starting with Quarto and how to write a basic document

Thursday, December 22, 2022

Heading 1

Heading 2

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Heading 5
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Bold Italic

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  • bullet 1
  • bullet 2

Link: My website

df <- cars
   speed dist
1      4    2
2      4   10
3      7    4
4      7   22
5      8   16
6      9   10
7     10   18
8     10   26
9     10   34
10    11   17
11    11   28
12    12   14
13    12   20
14    12   24
15    12   28
16    13   26
17    13   34
18    13   34
19    13   46
20    14   26
21    14   36
22    14   60
23    14   80
24    15   20
25    15   26
26    15   54
27    16   32
28    16   40
29    17   32
30    17   40
31    17   50
32    18   42
33    18   56
34    18   76
35    18   84
36    19   36
37    19   46
38    19   68
39    20   32
40    20   48
41    20   52
42    20   56
43    20   64
44    22   66
45    23   54
46    24   70
47    24   92
48    24   93
49    24  120
50    25   85

To run each line, say for testing, use command + return.

Including Plots

plot(df$speed ~ df$dist)

You can also embed plots, for example: Here, echo=FALSE means that the code will not be shown.

Note that the echo = FALSE parameter was added to the code chunk to prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.

Viridis colours

image(volcano, col = viridis(200, option = "A"))

Adding callouts


Note that there are five types of callouts, including: note, warning, important, tip, and caution.

Tip with Title

This is an example of a callout with a title.

This is an example of a ‘folded’ caution callout that can be expanded by the user. You can use collapse="true" to collapse it by default or collapse="false" to make a collapsible callout that is expanded by default.

Citations and referencing

To include a citation, simply select Citation from Insert menu in Visual editor. Quarto can create citations using a variety of options including Zotero, DOI, Crossref, etc, and creates a references.bib file as a result.

For instance: (Afzali et al. 2023)


Afzali, M. Usman, Richard D. Jones, Alex P. Seren-Grace, Robin W. Palmer, Dena Makarious, Mariana N. B. Rodrigues, and Ewald Neumann. 2023. “Classification Accuracy of the Event-Related Potentials-Based Brain Fingerprinting and Its Robustness to Direct-Suppression and Thought-Substitution Countermeasures.” Applied Cognitive Psychology, February, acp.4050.